Udioの場合はどうか? Udioで音楽を作った場合、クレジット表記をする必要があるのか?

最新のTerms of Servicesを見る限り、有料課金している場合はクレジット表記はいらないらしい。該当箇所はこちら。

“If you exploit or otherwise make any public use of any Output, or any content that includes any Output (in whole or in part), including the distribution of Output in the form of or as part of audio or audio-visual recordings made available via any third party application, website or platform, then you agree to include a credit, notice or other indicator in connection with such use (e.g., in the track title, in the credits section, etc.) that prominently indicates that such Output was generated using the Services; provided that, if you subscribe to any of our paid Services, the foregoing obligation shall not apply to any Output generated during your subscription to our paid Services."

以前は"provided that, if you subscribe to any of our paid Services, the foregoing obligation shall not apply to any Output generated during your subscription to our paid Services.“の部分がなかったのですが、最近見た時にこの文言が追加されていました。
